Thursday, April 15, 2010

How do you correctly pronounce in English the hindi boy name 'Raj'?

How is the hindi name Raj pronounced? In particular, how do you pronounce the final 'j'?

How do you correctly pronounce in English the hindi boy name 'Raj'?
Raj can also be a Sikh name i.e. short for Rajinder, Rajit, Rajesh (boy name) etc. Sikh ans Hindu names are sometimes interchangeable, as both religions tend to marry into one another and are both similar religions with a deep connection dating back centuries.

It is pronounced like the normal 'J'. like James. The North Americans tend to pronounce it like the french do i.e. Jaques or j'adore. The former is correct.

Raj is usually short for something else.

EDIT: Raj can be for male and female!!! Whole name ponounced R-A-J. like badge.
Reply:People from the south of England will have a tendency to soften the vowel sound of the "a" to an "ahh" whereas people from the north of England generally use shorter harder vowel sounds.

I'd pronunce the "j" in Raj as in Jump .

In any event it is not a native English name so should not the correct way of saying it be as in it's originating country/region?
Reply:Rarge. The 'aj' in Raj sounds exactly like 'arge' as in 'large' . 'Aj' in Hindi therefore always sounds harder than in English.

So also is Taj (Targe) Mahal (Mar-hull), one of the seven wonders of the world.
Reply:rar-ge (as in the end of barge) phonetically speaking

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