Sunday, November 15, 2009

Could Palin be a trendy new boy name this election season?

I know of at least one couple who named their new son Palin. Is this an isolated thing or could the name be rising? It certainly has a trendy sound.

Could Palin be a trendy new boy name this election season?
Oh god, I hope not, lol.

But her kids' names might rise in popularity amongst conservatives.
Reply:Any surname is popular for boys right now. Sullivan, Cooper, Anderson, the list goes on. I could definitely see it rising in popularity. I hope it doesn't, but it might.

Who wants to be named after the vice president (if McCain wins, that is) anyway? Not one shred of me is the least bit political, so I don't see the appeal.

Reply:Funny you said that! After Sarah Palin coming into the spotlight, I commented to my husband that Palin would make a cute name, but I would suggest it for a girl!
Reply:I dont' know, but I now associate it with a woman. I have not heard of anyone doing this. I guess it may be a wait and see sort of situation.
Reply:That would be a nasty name to grow up with. I liked those shoes she had on though, the reddish brown ones - maybe not copy her surname as a first name but copy her shoes, oh and I like her glasses too. LOL!
Reply:I hate it. Its horrible. Palin is horrible.
Reply:Hopefully not.
Reply:i hope not, it just don't sound like a first name, but i can see it becoming a trend too
Reply:It sound pretty good. It reminds me of Peyton.
Reply:it's horrible, but it probably will because a lot of parents these days are giving their kids horrible names
Reply:hmm, I don't like it personally, but it could rise? Hard to say!
Reply:I'm not lovin' it, but I am more of a Traditional name kinda girl! lol

I can see it getting picked up on.

Reply:I like it!!

TX Mom

Reply:I like it! It's growing on me!!!
Reply:Surely not but it could happen
Reply:That made me laugh! It does have a trendy sound! :) Who knows?
Reply:oH lord, please don't do this to your child.,

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